Between Life & Death
It was arguably the biggest news story in the world. Over two chaotic weeks in 2005, the fight over the fate of Terri Schiavo, a seemingly unconscious and unresponsive young woman, escalated from a private family dispute in a Florida courtroom to the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, and even the Vatican. But the indelible and wide-ranging impact this case has had on American politics, the construct of our courts, and religious activism has never been fully examined, until now. This feature documentary chronicles how politicians and activists on the religious right harnessed the media frenzy surrounding Terri’s story to advance the agenda of the “pro-life” movement, laying the groundwork for a post-Roe America. And beyond the political posturing, Between Life & Death also reveals the heartbreaking struggle of a family divided and examines the role of government in our private lives. The film aired on MSNBC and is now streaming on Peacock.

Director: Nick Capote
Producers: Kimberley Ferdinando, Melissa Leardi
Executive Producers: Alex Waterfield, Jackie Jesko, Amanda Spain, Rashida Jones, Liz Cole, Molly O'Brien, Elizabeth Fischer